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Tintagel Castle - Merlin's Magic: The Origin Story of King Arthur

Writer's picture: Evelyn Evelyn

The Legend of the man known as King Athur has evolved over the centuries. In 580 he in mentioned in the Welsh Poet Aneurin's "Gododdin" … It was five and a half centuries later that a monk named Geoffry of Monmouth described how Arthur was conceived at Tintagel Castle. The earliest versions of the Arthur legend have some of the key figures with personality traits that are distinctly different from the later versions. And you'll also notice JK Rowling might have had Geoffry of Monmouth as an inspiration for her poly juice potion!

The stronghold from around the 5-7th century that was on this site is long gone, but the Legend of Arthur and his conception here with the assistance of Merlin inspired another to build a castle here in the early 1200s. 

This is one of my most favorite episodes I have ever made! I hope you enjoy the gorgeous scenery and the story of King Arthur's beginning.


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